Welcome to Aero Touch Down

With us, Everything is at your doorstep!

Our Apps

About Us

We are in Enugu-Umlazi, South Africa, all in one platform that allows transporters, businesses or service providers to list the products and services which they want to offer to the users.

As a user, you can access reliable services which you need every day such as bike rides, taxi rides, food, grocery, medicine, drinks, courier, and other on-demand services like a tutor, beautician, baby care, pet care, and more.

Aero Touch Down app, you can keep your business online anytime and reach more customers to expand the business. Also, the Aero Touch, Down app says goodbye to holding multiple individual On-Demand Apps on your phone.

Product Features

Multiple-Services Platform

Our platform lets you offer transportation, restaurants, pharmacies, shops, and other provider services.

Manage Request

A driver/store/provider manages order/service requests based on their availability with the accepting or rejects option.

Real time Tracking

Once the service/order is placed and accepted by a provider you have the option to track your services in real-time.

Live Chat

After accepting order/service requests, they have the option to chat with each other within the app.

User App

Aero Touch Down app allows you to order nearby products and services fast and easy way. You can book a bike ride, taxi ride, grocery delivery, food delivery, courier delivery, pharmacy, tutor, beautician, car wash, plumber, electrician and more.

You can register into an app by providing basic information like name, email, and contact details. Also, you can sign up through a social account. You have the option to manage your profile, change your password, invite friends, and manage bank account details.

Driver App

Download the Aero Touch Down driver app and get the real-time ride/order request online. You can log in/sign up through Email or social accounts like Facebook, or Google.

With the driver app, you've got an effortless system to manage ride & delivery booking from users. You become more visible and work when you want as per your time. You can manage profile information, manage vehicles, manage documents, and more.

Store App

Now, you can make your store digitalize with Aero Touch Down store app. With the Aero Touch Down store app, you can get online order requests for stores, restaurants, pharmacies, drug shops, wholesalers, retailers, bars, supermarkets, flower shops, groceries and more online.

Aero Touch Down store app, allows entrepreneurs to start an online business and expand a business. Install the Aero Touch Down app, list the product which you want to offer, and get the order request online. Also, you can promote your business with many offers which attract customers. Also, you can see order history, earning report and more details.

Provider App

Want to make more money with your skill and professional services? Aero Touch Down is here to boost your earnings at your convenient time. With our trusted platform, you can offer and get online order requests like a tutor, beautician, car wash, electrician, home cleaning, laundry and more.

You can log in to the app through a social account or with basic details. After login, you must have additional services & packages which you want to offer and complete the profile information. You can manage service requests with a single tap by the accepting/reject option. You can view earning report with all details.

Call To Action

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about our services!

More Features

Social Login

Apps user has the option to log in through their social account site like Facebook, or Google.

Add to Cart

A user can add a product item to the cart option. They can add or remove the item from the cart based on their needs.

Earning History

A driver/store/service provider can see their earning history with all orders/service details.

Manage Profile

App user can manage their profile information such as name, email, contact and profile picture.

Secure Payment

To pay for ride/delivery/service requests, users have secure payment options like cash, credit, and in-app wallet.

Store Setting

A store vendor manages their store information like store name, products, address, delivery charges, minimum order amount, etc.

Our Apps

Aero Touch Down

With us, Everything is at your doorstep!

09 Ijongosi Close Umlazi, Umlazi 4066.
